Biotechnology PhD Training Program



Overall Program Outcomes (since 2005)
Average time to degree (all):
5.5 yrs

Average time to degree (URM only): 5.1 yrs

% of students who successfully attain a PhD: 92%

Average # of publications of PhD grads: 4.7

% of underrepresented minority students in BTP (current): 48%

% of underrepresented minority PhD grads from the BTP: 12%

% of students with disabilities in the BTP (current): 0%

% of students with disabilities graduated from the BTP: 2%

Career placement of all grads (for current employment, see our Grad Page):

            Academia                  16*

            Biotech/Pharma         26

            Consultant                  6

            Entrepreneurial            1

            Foundation                   4

            Government                 2

            Medicine                      3

            Patent Law                   1

            Service Industry           5

            Science Writing            2

*Includes one student with a disability

Career placement of all underrepresented minority and disability grads (for current employment, see Success of Our Underrepresented Minority Grads Page, including Resources, and our Resources for Individuals with Disabilities Page):

            Academia                    1

            Biotech/Pharma          4

            Consultant                   1




            Medicine                      1

            Patent Law                  

            Service Industry           1

            Science Writing          


Fellowship and Awards Outcomes (see our Awards page)


            American Heart                                      3

            Ford                                                        1 (declined)

            NIH                                                         2

            NSF                                                        3

            Robert R. Wagner                                  2

            Transatlantic Bioech                              1

            Whitaker Internat’l Scholars                   1

            UNCF/MERCK                                       1


            Jackson Lab course                               1

            Raven                                                     1


            3’ Thesis Compet                                   1

            All University Grad Teaching Ass’t         2

            American Assoc of Immunologists         1

            Big Data Award                                      1

            BME/BIMS Outstanding Grad Stud        3

            Dan David Prize                                     1

            Excellence in Scholarship in Sci/Eng     4

            Huskey Grad Bioscience                        1

            International Adsorption Society             1

            Jill E. Hungerford                                    3

            M. & O. Updike Prof Develop                 2

          Robert M. Berne CVRC Outstand          1

            SEAS Teaching Ass’t                             1

In ’16, BTPer Kris Rawls was elected Vice-Chair of the National Society of Black Engineers.

Industrial Externships Outcomes (see our Externships page)

# of company hosts to date: 56

Externships in the US: 63

Externships in Europe: 10

        England     2

        Finland      1

        Germany   1

        Holland      2

        Spain         1    

        Sweden     3     

Externships outside of US & Europe (Australia): 3

Career Development (See our Professional Development Page)

BTP courses: ‘Essentials in Translational Science’ (Cell 8401; includes Darden Business School teacing), ‘ Effective Science Writing for Grants and Fellowships (Cell 8450).  See our Curriculum Page.

# BTP company tours (yearly ’00 to present): ~15

         Companies in Virginia and Maryland        

# BTP Industrial Panel Q&A Events (’10, ’12, ’13, ’14, ’15,  ’17, ’18 [next 11.21.19]):

        Invited nonacademic panelists 24 (8 of which were BTP


        Invited academic panelists 8

        See our Industrial Panel page.

# BTP Symposia (’02, ’04, ’06, ’09, ’11, ’13, ’16, ’18 [next November ’20]): 8

         Invited industrial/foundation speakers 20

         Invited academic speakers 2

         Note: 2011 student invited speaker Eric Betzig shared    

        the ’14 Nobel Prize in Medicine

         See our Seminars page.

BTP seminars: 58

        BTP seminars with invited industrial speakers: 18

         BTP seminars with invited academic speakers (includes   

        invited  BTP Mentor Faculty Talks): 35

        See our Seminars page.

BTP New Student Dinners/Lunches (since ’03): 12

        Dinners/lunches with invited academic speakers: 5

        Dinners/lunches with invited industrial speakers: 7

        See our Seminars page.


BTP Program Outcomes